Supplement Range

Each of our sports and health supplement ranges are available in a selection of flavours.

All Muscle Stack products ship Australia wide and delivery is FREE.


WPI will help you increase strength and muscle size faster with intense training. Pack on more quality muscle gains while keeping your body fat levels low.

The best time to have WPI is 60 minutes prior to a training session (in water) to deliver circulating amino acids to working muscle. Have another serving immediately afterwards (within 30 minutes and preferably in milk, a low acid fruit juice or sports drink) to flood the recovery pathways and ignite muscle rebuilding.

To fully saturate muscles with nitrogen for recovery and repair, ensure that you are consuming small, regular quantities of protein from a variety of sources.


Crossflow WPI + WPC

Crossflow WPI + WPC delivers a constant supply of essential amino acids into the bloodstream over a prolonged period, ensuring a high positive nitrogen balance is maintained for maximum muscle growth.

Almost immediately Crossflow WPI +WPC provides your body with di and tri-peptides from hydrolysed whey protein isolate, the most rapidly absorbed protein available. These same peptides start the muscle building process by stimulating the liver to produce anabolic growth factors that stimulate muscle growth. WPI, then WPC step in and take over the supply of amino acids and whey factors to the body. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that exerts immune boosting effects on the body, helping to protect it from oxidative exercise stress that can hinder training progress and diminish muscle gain.


Mass Gainer

The multi-phase release carbohydrates in Mass Gainer provide both immediate and long term energy to help satisfy fast metabolisms, fuel high intensity training, improve anabolic recovery and spare protein to drive huge muscle growth whilst minimising fat gain.

Incorporates a superior natural amino acid profile, providing all the necessary protein factors essential for muscle growth.

Mass Gainer is best taken between meals and immediately after intense training.



Creatine Monohydrate is a naturally occurring essential energy precursor found in the body’s muscle tissue.

Pure Creatine Monohydrate is a superior quality and finely milled powder to improve mixability. Studies have proved that Creatine Monohydrate not only increases muscle size, strength and endurance but provides more powerful muscle contractions increases explosiveness, speeds muscle recovery, reduces fatigue and increases lean body mass.

This recycling of energy allows longer and increasingly powerful workouts.



Balance L-Glutamine

L-GLUTAMINE improves recovery after intense training and exercise and works as a powerful antioxidant to help strengthen the immune system. It can also assist with boosting Growth Hormone levels leading to a quality physique.

L-Glutamine supplementation will also reduce muscle catabolism in times of calorie restriction or anytime you are training hard or stressed.

L-GLUTAMINE is ideal for all types of people, especially athletes with heavy training loads and people in high stress occupations.


250g / 500g

Unleash Preworkout

Taken before your workout session Unleash is designed to increase endurance, combat delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and fatigue, enhance nitric oxide production, promote vasodilation and increase amino acid muscle uptake.


Stamina Amino Acid

Stamina Amino Acid is a scientifically advanced endurance and recovery enhancer. Stamina is an advanced sugar and carbohydrate free branch chain amino acid formula that mixes easily and tastes great. It has been formulated to maximise training intensity and promote optimal muscle protein synthesis whilst you train.

Stamina is formulated with added performance factors to increase strength, endurance, blood flow, nutrient delivery, combined with key antioxidants to maximise recovery. The ideal companion to any training or sporting need.


Latest News

Benefits of WPI (Whey Protein Isolate)

Muscle Stack WPI is a pure form of protein which passes through a high filtration system effectively reducing the particle size. Due to the smaller protein particles it is more easily and quickly absorbed by the body packing in the …
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Muscle Stack Specials

Tip: At Muscle Stack we often have special promotions, offers and exclusive deals you just won’t want to miss. Discounts, free delivery promotions, last chance offers, special order offers, share with a friend… so many to choose from. While some …
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