About Us

Welcome to Muscle Stack! Thanks for dropping by and checking out what we've got to offer.

Muscle Stack is an Australian, family owned and operated company which was established in 2013, in response to high demand for great quality and good tasting supplements.

No one cares more about quality than the people who put their names on it, we are dedicated to providing only the highest quality nutritional supplements.

Our customers can rest easy knowing our superior product range is based on accepted scientific research. We will not sacrifice our high standards for any reason which is why we only carry our exclusive brands and not a mix of others available on the Australian and International markets.

What started with just protein and WPI ranges in a mix of flavours has very quickly evolved into an extensive range of supplements. Nothing like a little customer demand to motivate and inspire! Next up looks like the move towards vitamins and apparel lines but not until we complete our exhaustive research to make sure it's the best of the best.

We encourage you to contact us should you have any feedback, suggestions, questions or concerns. We want to know when flavours aren't quite right or if you are desperately waiting for us to release a specific range or product. We are here to help you achieve your goals.

Wishing you the best of health,
Troy and Rebecca Constantine